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3 Ways Online Tutoring is Revolutionizing Education

November 1, 2024

Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman emperor, once quipped that he was lucky to have survived his education. He, like millions of students today, found school dull and disinteresting. Unfortunately, not very much has changed in education from the time of Romans through the modern era–until today. The Internet promises revolutionary opportunities for improving education and making sure that every child has an opportunity to succeed. Online tutoring is the future of education.

1. Flexible Scheduling

Hiring a local college student or teacher to help out your son or daughter with extra tutoring is an option, but it isn’t very efficient. Between soccer practice, music lessons and hanging out with friends, it can be very difficult for your active teen to find time to meet someone in person. Choosing an online tutor is a great solution because your student can meet with any one of thousands of tutors at a time that’s convenient for both parties. Instead of worrying about cramming yet another activity into the schedule, you’ll just need to make sure your Internet connection works when your student needs a bit of extra help.

2. Personalized Instruction

Different people have different approaches to learning. A big problem with the traditional education system is that students can get stuck working with teachers who simply don’t connect with them. Online tutoring holds the potential to revolutionize education by giving every student access to a tutor who can teach in a style most appropriate for them. For example, if your student is a great visual learner, but struggles when listening to lectures, just connect with a tutor who excels at performing visual demonstrations. Your student will enjoy learning again.

3. Content Expertise

A final advantage of online tutoring, especially for more advanced students, is the ability to find a tutor with special expertise in a particular subject area. If your student is studying calculus and high-level Spanish, you’d be hard-pressed to find a qualified tutor capable of teaching both subjects in your area. The beauty of hiring an online tutor is that you can choose more than one without costing yourself more time or money. That means you can find qualified experts in all the relevant fields.

If your child feels like a young Marcus Aurelius in the classroom and is bored and fidgety, it’s time for a change. Try online tutoring with Growing Stars and see the difference a little personal attention can make.

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