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5 Tutoring Reinforcement Tips for Parents

October 31, 2024

If your child is struggling at school, chances are good you’ve found him an online tutor. Online tutoring services provide extra academic support to help with improving math grades, science grades, and other skills like reading and standardized testing. While tutors are a great resource for providing the help students need, parents can also do their part to help make sure they’re reinforcing the work of the tutors. If you are the parent of a child with an online tutor, check out these five helpful tips for support.

1. Communicate with the tutor

While your child is working with his online tutor, make sure you check in with the tutor regularly. Tutors can give you tips about how your child is performing, and they can also let you know what you can do to help (or monitor) between sessions.

2. Enforce routines

Children benefit from routines. To get the most out of their tutoring, they should stick to undertaking tutoring sessions or doing their homework at the same time and place daily. Routines provide structure and let kids know what is expected of them.

3. Provide positive reinforcement

When you see children’s grades improving, in particular for math tests, spelling tests and reading tests, compliment your child — and make sure he knows you’ve noticed. This feedback will give your child positive feelings about his experience with an online math tutor, English tutor, etc. and make him more excited about tutoring sessions.

4. Communicate with your child’s teacher

Talk to your child’s teacher regularly, and see if the tutoring is benefiting him in class. By keeping up with your child’s progress via his teacher, you can help ensure the tutor is tackling the right subjects with him.

5. Offer extra study sessions

Set aside some time each week to go over your child’s assignments with him — even the ones he’s covered in tutoring. These sessions can help give him some extra practice, and it can be a good opportunity for you to verify that the tutoring is actually helping. If not, consider speaking with the tutor to see if it’s possible to take a different approach.

Get in touch with Growing Stars if your child is looking for an online tutor. We offer a range of tutoring services, including math tutoring online, which can help with improving grades and your child’s overall performance in school — and perhaps more importantly, his self-confidence.

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