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4 Ways for an Online Math Tutor to Help Boost Grades

October 31, 2024

Learning math is a lot like learning a new language. Math is the foundation for most science and has lots of practical applications in the workforce. However, getting kids to engage with the subject can be tough, especially when they struggle with the concepts. As a tutor, you need to find ways to get kids excited about math and what it can do. Here are a few ways to make math fun and avoid information overload.

1. Incorporate Mindfulness Into the Curriculum

A recent study published in Developmental Psychology showed a 15-percent improvement in math scores with the inclusion of mindfulness exercises. Adding in several 3-minute meditation periods, incorporating empathy role-playing and other mindful living techniques produced a dramatic improvement in academic performance for the students who participated. Teach kids to be mindful and you’ll have an easier time improving grades in math.

2. Put the Focus on Challenging Skills

During a regular school day, teachers have a broad range of topics and can’t spend extra time on specific skills. During online tutoring, you have the opportunity to find and address the concepts causing problems. Each child can work on problems and get extra help with the concepts that are most challenging for them. The more time they spend working with the problem, the better they will understand the material.

3. Turn Students Into Teachers

Ask your students to take on the role of online tutor. Nothing demonstrates concept mastery better than the ability to teach the material to someone else. Plus, taking on the role of the teacher helps students feel authoritative about the concepts and requires higher-order thinking.

4. Avoid Rote Learning and Review-Only Teaching Methods

Studies show that students do better with teaching materials that constantly present material in a new light. Rote review and small changes to the material do not help kids develop the reasoning skills needed to put math concepts to work. In a society that is increasingly driven by technology, kids need to learn practical math applications. Math tutoring online is an ideal setting in which to push the practical.

As an online tutor, your job is to help students with their academic achievement. Reiterating material already covered in the classroom does not lead to a deeper understanding of math concepts. Branch out and be ready to apply different teaching methods to each student. The more ways you approach the material, the more likely you are to help students in improving math grades.

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