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Breaking Through the Brick Walls: Online Tutoring and Your Student

November 1, 2024

In recent years, the walls of the traditional school have been breached by new technological avenues. Good teachers have always been able to teach in any venue, but now they can reach students who live hundreds and thousands of miles away. Online tutoring through such forums as Growing Stars, Inc. can enrich learning for students who are struggling with math, science, social studies, and English. The tutors can also help with standardized test preparation and college courses.

Parents have so many options for helping their children master their schoolwork. In the past, they were limited to traditional classrooms and local, in person, tutoring. Now they have access to teachers who have mastered their professions, many with a Master’s degree or even a PhD. They can work with enrollment counselors who oversee the student/parent/tutor relationship, ensuring that the students receive individualized instruction that helps them to demonstrate rapid improvement.

Online tutoring can be a personal experience. For instance, Growing Stars, Inc. tutors use Skype Interactive Voice Over IP technology as well as a special whiteboard function, which allows tutors and students to communicate in real time, both verbally and through text. According to Teach Thought, Skype allows true interaction between tutors and students, improving the learning experience.

Most importantly, online tutoring gives the student flexibility. Between scheduled sessions, students can access lesson plans and other information through student portals. In programs such as Growing Stars, students receive a dedicated online tutor who stays with them throughout the tutoring experience, allowing the tutor to specifically prepare for each student’s needs. This one-to-one relationship creates an atmosphere that fosters learning, unlike tutoring sites that offer different tutors for each session.

As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” When traditional schooling stops working, parents and students can turn to online tutoring to elevate the educational experience. Programs that tailor their lessons to students’ individual needs while following their primary school’s educational program, including textbooks, are the most effective. Schools no longer are limited to brick and mortar: they need no walls at all. Online tutors can give any student the highest level of instructional help.

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