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Complement Online Math Tutoring With These Free Resources

September 30, 2024

If math is difficult for your child, or if they just can’t seem to get interested in math, online tutoring can help them learn at a pace that’s more comfortable for them. When it comes to math, sometimes a new way of looking at difficult concepts can be valuable too. These resources can give your child a new perspective on math concepts, make math less intimidating, and even help them enjoy math, and online tutoring, a little more.

TEDEd Math

TED Talks are a great way to explore a wide range of topics, including math. TEDEd math videos focus on presenting math in new and interesting ways that make it a lot more fun to learn about concepts such as fractals, probability and even calculus. With fun activities and entertaining video clips, these can be a great way to show your child that math doesn’t have to be boring, and that it has plenty of interesting real-world applications. Topics such as “The Scientific Way to Cut a Cake” and “The Mathematics of Sidewalk Illusions,” plus clips on math history and famous mathematicians, can help them maintain their interest in math between online tutoring sessions.

PBS LearningMedia

PBS provides a range of learning materials online, including math-related videos and interactive resources that look at math in various real-life contexts, as well as in more abstract or fun ways. These are perfect for elementary school-age children who are just starting to learn, or starting to struggle, with math concepts. Children are taught at a more rapid pace these days, even in elementary school. This means children benefit from online tutoring at an earlier age, so it’s never too soon to start introducing them to basic math.

Math Game Time

Another great resource for younger children, this site includes hundreds of simple math-oriented games. As your child learns new concepts with help from their online tutor, they can reinforce what they’re learning with games that cover subjects such as addition and subtraction, division and multiplication, logic and measurement. Suitable for Pre-K up to Grade 7.

Making Math Fun

School doesn’t always have to be fun, but when your child is having trouble with new math concepts, it definitely helps if they can find some enjoyment in it. These resources can help them do just that and, together with online tutoring, help them succeed instead of struggle.

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