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Evolution of web-based tutoring in the age of advanced technology

November 4, 2024

The latest developments in educational technology have led to improvements in online learning. Smartphones and other modern devices help children to focus more on learning in ways that make it easier for them to master subjects. Students tend to favor smartphones, netbooks, and tablets over older media such as textbooks. Touch-screen technology has strengthened this trend, and the way learning evolves is being redefined by the way technology changes.

The advent of web-based learning  

For several centuries, textbooks were the primary source of reliable information and the first place students would go to advance their studies.  However, the content of textbooks is often pitched at a mass audience (“one size fits all”) and may become quickly outdated. The advent of web-based learning resulted in radical changes in academic techniques and practices. As a result, more and more students and teachers have begun using web-based resources. Web-based learning has leveraged student engagement with various topics and offered them access to fresh and varied content and data.

Focus on modified online learning tools

Recent years have witnessed a tremendous improvement in the application of online tutoring. The number of universities and colleges providing online courses has increased, as innovative and sophisticated technologies were introduced. Among these were online tutoring whiteboards with advanced features such as touch screen, live interaction, file sharing applications, and other collaborative tools. Dynamic e-learning portals also came into existence. Even digital texts books and course materials which can be automatically updated to reflect the latest academic research have also emerged.

 Robust user experience

Modern online tutoring solutions are primarily focused on user experience across multiple devices, access methods, and platforms. A web-based learning environment should provide students with clear directions on subject and content. User-friendly and intuitive online learning platforms help students to stay active in learning. Moreover, modern online learning tools encourage student interaction, creativity, and critical thinking skills.


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