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This Isn’t Science Fiction: Future Students Will Attend Virtual Classrooms

November 1, 2024

Virtual classrooms aren’t a far away virtual fantasy of the future. We’re trending towards a virtual classroom already, and the evidence is everywhere. From massive open online courses (MOOC) to online courses offered at individual colleges to Cloud-based student-teacher collaboration formats to Growingstar’s online tutoring, there’s simply less reason to spend the entire day in the classroom.

Who doesn’t love the convenience and time freed up by completing everyday tasks online? Who doesn’t, as well, love the personalized assistance in solving a problem, such as a math problem, a troubling essay question, or brainstorming for a science project, that online tutoring can provide?

The Benefits Gained From Virtual Classrooms

Rather than overstuffed, understaffed classrooms where students get left behind if they don’t aggressively compete to keep up, virtual classrooms provide optimal levels of one-on-one time for each student. Indeed, that personalized attention mirrors the mentor-apprentice relationship that ensures nobody gets left behind.

In a virtual classroom, face-to-face progress meetings with teachers keep students centered and ensure they get the attention and assistance they need. As students collaborate online in groups with the guidance of a teacher, they supplement their education with online tutoring, providing even more reinforcement of essential concepts. Growingstars provides the personal attention and reinforcement students need outside the classroom, as we move forward into the age of virtual classrooms.

Where Virtual Classrooms Are Headed

Already a rising trend, we’ll simply see it expand as teachers and administrators spend their time personalizing the curriculum to the learning style and needs of each student and implementing it through engaging, fun, and efficient virtual platforms.

Growingstar’s online tutoring already provides set time frames–say, three hours a week, depending on the student’s needs–where assistance is provided intensively but in a compact time frame. After an hour’s concentration, the student is left to digest. Perhaps a virtual school will work much the same; rather than long, repetitive days, every assignment will be to the point and designed to impart knowledge in the most concise and effective manner, knowing that an online tutoring session later that evening will reinforce the concepts and clear up any uncertainties.

Preparing Your Child for Virtual Classrooms

You may want to prepare your child for the shift as schools adopt Cloud-based teacher-student collaboration, and colleges everywhere offer MOOCs. Online tutoring is a great medium to do so as it offers the virtual format of instruction in a bite-sized chunk and is a good complement to any curriculum, whether it already features virtual instruction or not. Visit Growingstars today to set up online tutoring for your child.

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