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Free Homework Help

Everyday Free Homework Help! The offer is available to anyone who takes 8 hours or more of tutoring per month for Math.

With this offer, customers get:

  • 8 hours of tutoring (2 hours per week of regular tutoring with the same tutor).
  • Four, 30-minute live Homework help sessions (one 30 min HW session/week) for free.
  • 8 days of email/offline Homework help (2 days per week of email/offline Homework Help from the same tutor) for free.

Any amount of live extra homework help is available for just $5 per 30-minute session.

With this offer, students remain connected with their tutors 5 days of the week. Based on our past 10 years of experience at Growing Stars, we have seen that this will help bring in further improvement in each student’s academics, and result in improved grades and test scores.

*Not available for Test Prep.

*Not available during Summer Vacations

*Available only for Math