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Online Tutoring for Better Grades

  • 1-on-1 Tutoring
  • Managed Tutoring
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Homework Help
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Tutors for Almost Any Subject

Why Choose Growing Stars

Improve Grades

Improve Grades

Our students gain confidence, develop study skills & improve grades. Since 2004, the live Read more

Same Tutor Every Time

Same Tutor Every Time

Unlike those who provide instant tutoring or homework help only, our tutors spend time Read more

Teachers with Masters

Teachers with Masters

Our teachers are highly qualified, and most of them have Masters’ Degrees in the subjects Read more

Same Textbook

Same Textbook

We follow exactly the same textbook that the student follows in school. This helps the tutor Read more

Managed Tutoring

Managed Tutoring

Every child has an Education Manager who manages tutoring to suit the child’s needs and Read more

Very Convenient

Very Convenient

Your child can participate from the comfortable environment of your home saving Read more

Risk Free Tutoring

Learn more about Risk Free Tutoring & Enroll.

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How Online Tutoring Works

As soon as you get started with Growing Stars, our Education Manager will connect with you to develop an effective personalized online tutoring plan for your child. After understanding your child's needs and curriculum, they’ll set you up with a 1-on-1 tutor that best matches your child's academic needs and schedule. Then your child can start their online tutoring lessons using our proprietary digital whiteboard along with a live voice call!



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