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Improving Math Grades With an Online Tutor

October 31, 2024

Elementary school-age children can get a lot out of online tutoring in math. In fact, a patient adult trained to explain difficult concepts is often just what they need. A math tutor can help your child learn how to best approach their math homework, as well as help them tackle core problems and concepts.

The Best Way to Do Math Is Quietly and Patiently

One of the first things a math tutor can help your child do is create an appropriate environment to complete math problems. The environment should be quiet and free of startling noises. It is not a good idea to have a radio, television set, computer or cell phone close by when doing math. If the home is noisy, you should maybe even consider buying your child some headphones. A math tutor will be able to assess the environment in which your child is working and help you remove any distractions.

A math tutor can also encourage your child to do problems carefully and slowly. When a tutor catches them rushing and making mistakes, they can help them slow down.

Write Out Formulas and Do Work Line by Line

Many children make mistakes in math because they write numbers too small and place them too close together. As a result, they do not perform operations such as addition and subtraction correctly. Instead, they misstate sums and final results. A math tutor will catch any issues that develop as a child writes, then show them how to use more space in order to avoid making mistakes.

A math tutor can also encourage your child to solve a problem line by line. Some children make mistakes because their writing is all over the page, making it hard to keep track of each of their steps. A math tutor will make sure your child moves from top to bottom so that they can see each step in the problem that they are solving.

Help Students Get Homework Done Early

A math tutor can also be an excellent way to get your child do their work right after school. This should be encouraged as much as possible, since this is when they will remember what they learned that day most clearly. They also won’t be that tired yet. If they wait to do their math homework closer to bedtime, then they’ll be more tired and much more likely to make mistakes. Even adults make simple addition and subtraction errors when it gets close to their bedtime.

Our experienced, friendly math tutors at Growing Stars, Inc. look forward to helping your child do their best. Contact us today.

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