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Latest trends in online tutoring

November 4, 2024

The convenience and effectiveness of online tutoring is attractive to both parents and tutors. From its inception, online-based learning has revolutionized the way K-12 and college students are able to accomplish academic feats. The online tutoring sector is going through tremendous changes due to technological advances and innovations, which open up new avenues for effective learning. Online tutoring, made possible by sophisticated new technology, offers students a myriad of advantages unavailable from traditional courses. These include reducing travel time and expenses, and the comfort engaging in the session in one’s own home. As a result, many modern students opt for online tutoring over in-person instruction in a tutoring center. As in other modern industries, e-learning experiences trends driven by changes in technology.

 Mobile learning

Mobile learning has been getting a good deal of attention lately. With the advent e-learning apps for Androids, iPhones and Windows mobile phones, e-learning has become easier for students. More and more online tutoring companies are developing app-based online tutoring programs for students. Access to learning materials and whiteboards via an online app provides flexibility to students who need quick and simplified assistance outside the traditional classroom setting.

Game-based learning

Gamification in learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, as several companies and institutions have developed games for serious educational purposes. Such games not only improve the quality of learning but are also helpful in developing a learning-centered culture in students.

Video infographics

Infographics plays a crucial role in e-learning. Professionally created infographics are used to teach students e-learning content, in subjects ranging from the simple to the highly complex. Infographics share information in a visual medium; the appealing design and visual presentation of subject matter help infographics make e-learning effective.

Cloud-based learning

Everything digital is going cloud. This is the one reason so many learning management systems (LMS) and online tutoring tools are now switching to cloud-based platforms. Cloud computing-based online tutoring offers improved flexibility; in addition, the cloud-based online tutoring companies can offer students access to a large stock of videos and course materials.

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