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Top 20 Tips to Learn Better in an Online Environment

September 30, 2023

Modern learning devices and tools make our everyday lives much easier and more productive. There has been a steady growth in the number of students who use such products. However, it is still not that easy to evaluate the impact that high technology brings to children, and how it affects their development processes. Every day, new devices and easier-to-use tools appear in the market.

Student Enrolled in Online Tutoring California

With the entry of new sophisticated electronics in all aspects of our lives, it is no longer a question of whether to accept them in the field of education or not—the main issue is how to use such devices in effective and appropriate ways. In such circumstances, teachers need to apply best learning practices and to get acquainted with new technologies.

Choose a reliable online tutoring platform

Advanced technology creates a special world in which learning can be overwhelmed by innovations. This situation can create real problems for the minds of young learners. Since the new technologies have the power to simplify things, they can be used for effective learning, if students choose the right online tutoring platform. Finding the right model of online learning is important. Students don’t need a surfeit of tools; rather, they need a few simple tools that make learning easier and more effective.

Avoid multitasking

To help children learn more efficiently and to keep their attention focused, parents should assign them one task at a time. When students can devote their full energy to daily school lessons and online tutoring, they will improve their concentration as well as their grades. Since multitasking interferes with learning, students should avoid it and engage in online tutoring and other academic activities without other distractions. Parents should let them study in successive stages, keeping in mind that gradual, one-on-one online tutoring is a highly productive learning method in today’s connected world.

Encourage communication

Since proper communication makes learning worthwhile, online tutors and students can make learning more effective by encouraging it. Greater communication establishes a stronger bond based on trust and confidence. If online tutors are able to teach the children to exercise evidence-based thinking, the students will become able to monitor their own work and progress over time.

Getting the best out of online tutoring

Online tutoring is definitely a great way to learn complicated subjects in a one-on-one environment.  It allows students to be flexible with their schedules, as they don’t have to leave their homes. Learning takes place in an environment convenient for the learner. However, there are certain things one must know before enrolling in an online tutoring program. Online tutoring may not be the right choice for all students. Students with a basic knowledge of computers and related technology are likely to find this type of learning extremely rewarding. However, the same online tutoring program may prove highly challenging to those students who do not yet have the necessary computer skills.

Online tutoring room/Facility

Online tutoring works best when there is a study room free from noise and background distractions. A calm and quiet environment is essential to personalized online tutoring, which takes place between a tutor on one side of the world and a student who may be several time zones away.

Essential tools

Online tutoring works because of access to mature, high-bandwidth communications technologies. Online tutoring companies use the seamless communication provided by the Internet to link students and online tutors in real-time. These amazing learning management tools enable effective learning and interactive sessions. Having access to those tools make learning easier and fun-filled.

Best online tutoring service provider

There are hundreds of online tutoring service providers around the globe. However, it is very important to choose a company with a proven track record and effective customer service. Some companies offer the services of education managers to make learning easier for students. Education managers of such online tutoring firms will make learning more rewarding, as they serve as a mediator and link among tutors, students, and their parents.

How Can Your Child Benefit from an Online Tutor And Learn Better Online?

Virtual Tutoring in Los Angeles

Some students may be struggling in their academic lives, while others may not be. Online tutoring can be a help both for students who are facing academic challenges, and students who are already doing well with their lessons. A student who opts for the service of an online tutoring company gets the personalized assistance of an online tutor. This kind of one-on-one learning benefits most students, even if they are already performing well. Some students need the extra help of an online tutor to process the information they learn from their teachers and textbooks. Typically, students won’t just come out and say “I need the help of a tutor.” It is your job as the parent to determine whether your child really needs the support of an online tutor. Only a parent can recognize the unique needs of a child, by observation, communicating with teachers, and monitoring progress.

The visible signs that your child needs an online tutor

There are very visible warning signs of a child needing one-on-one help from an online tutor. Some of the easily identifiable warning signs are discussed below; the objective is to help parents make the right decisions for their children.

Poor test scores

Poor test scores are one of the visible indicators that your child needs an online tutor, preferably sooner than later. Low scores show that the student isn’t testing well, is avoiding the work, or is just not understanding the material. A qualified online tutor can help determine testing issues, encourage dedicated study time, and help the student learn the material.

Aversion to learning

Students who show aversion to learning often are confused or bored with the material. When a student finds learning both boring and confusing, it is unlikely there will be strong interest in acquiring new knowledge. A parent can easily identify this situation and implement countermeasures. The help of an online tutor can help a student find a renewed interest in learning.

Insufficient effort during homework

If your child seems to idle during study time, it can be a warning sign of unhappiness with school and academic pursuits. In order to overcome the slipping grades, your child should receive assistance from a dedicated online tutor.

The modern curriculum may be quite different from what parents encountered when they were of school age. This may make it more difficult for parents to find solutions to a child’s slipping grades on their own. However, a trained online tutor is likely to have a better feel for the way subjects are taught in today’s schools. Your child can always benefit from extra support and educational assistance.

What Makes a Great Online Tutor?

Teaching online is one of today’s exciting and profitable professions. Like face-to-face teachers, online tutors need strong backgrounds in content, instruction, and assessment. However, since they are teaching by using advanced technology, they also need skills in other areas such as managing online learners and technical expertise. Thus, experienced professionals, subject matter experts, and teachers and trainers are turning towards the online teaching profession. However, the profession of an online tutor requires specific qualities and skills for optimum performance.

Content expertise

An online tutor must be well-versed in content and must know how to help learners develop an understanding of subjects in an online learning environment. If an online tutor has access to multiple content formats such as videos, script, .pdf files and images, these can be shared quickly with the students. In addition, an online tutor help learners develop a deep understanding of content and know how to use content-appropriate instructional strategies in a technology-driven environment.

Passion to share the knowledge

Not all teachers have a passion to share knowledge. The most important quality of an ideal online tutor is this very passion to share knowledge, and dedication to guide the students along the right path. In order to create a rewarding learning experience, a tutor’s knowledge, expertise, and passion for sharing content is absolutely necessary. Online teachers should possess an exceptional understanding of their discipline’s content, along with the ability to help learners engage and develop an understanding of the subject.

Great Communication with students

An online tutor who communicates deeply with students gains their hearts. Helping students to advance in their careers by sharing an online tutor’s experience can make a great impact.

To do this, a tutor must understand how students learn at a given developmental level, and how learning in a specific subject area typically progresses. An online tutor who communicates well with students will comprehend the individual needs and abilities of each of the students and will develop an understanding that instruction should be tailored to meet each learner’s needs.

What Makes a Competent Online Tutor?

The biggest change of our society over the past decade is our adaption to fast-evolving, ever-emerging digital technology. This age of digital innovation and smartphones offers fast communication options, now at our fingertips. This steady growth is visible in the education sector with the advent of online tutoring. Modern education now features experienced online tutors who teach millions of students around the globe. An online tutor who adapts to our new environment can become a valuable resource in the modern education sector.

Technical savvy

With ground-breaking forms of digital technology being introduced every day, online tutors are becoming empowered with new tools to reach their students. Without keeping up with the changes in the modern world, no online tutor can survive in a competitive marketplace. Innovation paves the way for advanced learning solutions. As a result, an online tutor must master new advanced learning solutions to effectively teach students online.

Excellent academic background

In a traditional environment, tutors are regarded as people capable of advanced thinking and endowed with great knowledge. However, with the introduction of online resources, the distribution of knowledge per se became accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. Thus, there is a demand for higher academic achievement from the online tutors. No online tutor can teach students effectively without sufficient experience in a particular academic arena. Tutors who do not stay current on the advances in their fields of expertise fast lose the respect of their students. The modern learning environment demands such a higher performance from an online tutor, who must also have a passion for teaching online.

Great communication skills

An online tutor who communicates effectively gains the heart of students and achieves professional excellence. As communication plays a vital role in a one-on-one learning environment, online-based teaching professionals must learn to communicate effectively. The communication between tutor and student needs to adhere to personal and professional standards, and an online tutor should understand the relevant policies of the learning institution. An online tutor who demonstrates proficiency in a chosen subject and is good at inter-personal communication can guide students to behave as responsible digital citizens.

Competent online tutors also have a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Such tutors can creatively and innovatively apply new technologies to all aspects of online teaching. Growing Stars, the pioneer in one-on-one tutoring, is privileged to employ a team of talented online tutors who are good at teaching complex topics and improving students grades.

Learning Math with an Online Tutor

Math is a fundamental part of American education systems. Without learning math at a certain minimum level, students cannot hope for college admission, and entry into many occupations is prevented. Students who want to achieve something great in academics or professional life must meet a certain standard in mathematics and also be able to perform well on the math sections of the SAT and/or ACT. Thus, math is an integral part of modern education. Learning math seems like a herculean task for many students; nonetheless, without math no education is complete. Regular school education may fail to make math easier for everyone; however, there is a ray of hope for students in the form of online tutoring. An online tutor who is good at math can be a great support for students to unlock the complex concepts inherent in this subject.

Unlocking math with an online tutor

It is a reality that many students and parents seek the techniques for best learning math. As math is often the toughest subject students will face, there is always a huge demand for anything related to improving math skills. For some students, attaining a thorough understanding of math comes easily when they receive additional classes or personalized assistance. Engaging an online tutor guarantees a learner will receive such personalized help. An online tutor is focused on helping students to improve grades by offering one-on-one academic assistance.

Learn one-by-one

Mastering math requires the ability to understand and to reason. Learning math generally requires certain discipline and habits of thought that may not be necessary for other subjects. Without understanding a math concept, it is unlikely that a student will be able to master the more advanced math for which it serves as a basis. Although it may sound simple, it is absolutely essential to learn math as one would construct a building: brick by brick, each one serving as a solid foundation for the next. Only after mastering one topic should students move on to the next lesson; otherwise, they risk falling hopelessly behind. A student who is having a problem with a topic will have to continue working with that one until it is fully grasped.

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