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One-on-One Online Tutoring for Home Schooled Students

November 1, 2024

Though home school students often have the guidance of a parent or a home school group that they meet with, they’re less likely to have one on one attention from someone who knows the topic at hand well, unless they meet with mentors in person frequently. Parents may not have the time or inclination to drive them everywhere to meet with mentors or others who can help. That’s why online tutoring is on the rise.

Home schoolers who take classes online are already well set up for online tutoring. Considering that much of a home schooler’s curriculum is completed online, online tutoring with Growingstars may be just the ticket for cementing complex subjects.

After each online Math lesson, for example, home schoolers answer a series of questions. By the end of the week, the information may be slipping from their minds, even if their test scores were high. Meeting with a Growingstars online tutor provides them with a chunk of distraction free time to overview the week’s materials. The one on one attention they receive from Growingstar’s online tutors will ensure that they learn well and have any questions addressed, then and there.

The website usually keeps records of their progress and the questions answered, so they can take a screen shot or send a link to an online tutor showing them the material that needs to be reviewed.

Homeschooling students who complete their curriculum in the form of textbooks can simply ask their parent for the papers they completed that week, and consult the textbooks and assignments when meeting with a Growingstars online tutor. They can write down any questions or difficulties they need to address and meeting with an online tutor is sure to clear up any confusion or worries.

Home schoolers who meet with other home schoolers often do so to socialize, play sports and exercise, or to study. Students who meet with Growingstar’s online tutors will arrive at study sessions well prepared to collaborate and complete projects. They can assist other students and answer their questions if they had the same ones.

Entire home school study groups can even set up a schedule where each student meets with a tutor before meeting as a group for a project or to collaborate as a team on an assignment. Visit Growingstars today to find out more and sign your home schooler up for online tutoring lessons.

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