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Online Tutoring as a Supplement to an Unschooler’s Self Guided Education Plan

November 1, 2024

Online tutoring is a great supplement to any child’s education, whether they attend public school, private school, are home schooled, or are unschooled. Unschoolers may find online tutoring to be a hassle-free way to cement the concepts they’re working on into their minds. If you don’t know about unschooling already, here’s a little about it.

Student-Led Learning

Unschooling is similar to homeschooling in that many unschooled students stay home to do their work, but this similarity exists mostly due to a lack of available unschooling-schools. That is, unless your family can move to be near one. The student has significant autonomy in determining the path of their education as well as the method through which they learn. This is based on their interests, passions, and the skills they recognize are most needed in the society they live in.

Unschooled students will usually seek out help from mentors, tutors and others who can guide them in their learning process. Because of this student-led philosophy and community of support, unschooled parents don’t have all the weight of education on their shoulders.

Online Tutoring and the Personalized Learning Plan

Growingstars online tutors can assist students in creating a personalized learning plan, which is perfect for unschooled students. Communicating via Skype and writing answers on an online whiteboard, they can use tablets to work closely with Growingstars online tutors. Meeting with an online tutor can take a couple hours a week, with recommended test taking and learning, with the aid of a computer and without help of a tutor, for a couple hours a month.

This time is devoted wholly to clarifying problem areas, cementing concepts and working towards achieving that aha! moment. Through the personalized learning plan, unschooled students can make their learning path known and Growingstars online tutors assist them in achieving their goals and strengthening them in problem areas. Whatever they’re having the most trouble with, the personalized learning plan will address it.

Additional Benefits

For parents of students, Growingstars offers progress reports and access to test scores and lesson plans. Everyone’s in good communications and most importantly, the student’s unique needs are being met. The best part is, you can get your student started today and receive a risk-free session!

Use this contact form to sign up and a representative will contact you within one business day to discuss your options and enroll your child in a risk-free session. Your credit card will be charged only if you are pleased after the first tutoring session. After that, you may still cancel any time during the first 4 sessions (or 2 weeks, whichever comes first) and receive a full refund if not 100% satisfied.

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