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Online Tutoring Can Change the Way Children Learn Today

November 1, 2024

It has become a fairly common occurrence for children to simply skate along through classes, getting by on the minimum passing grade, in many cases. Much of the blame can be placed on the ever-growing number of students that a given teacher is made responsible for teaching.

One-on-One Live Personal Attention

Tutoring, in general, can provide one-on-one personal attention to each participating child, but live online tutoring can provide the kind of one-on-one personal attention that your child might really need. It keeps things very personal between student and teacher, while providing the quality control and level of communication that local physical tutoring could only dream of providing.

Quality Monitoring through Education Management

The relationship between student and teacher when dealing with live online tutoring far surpasses that of the relationship between student and teacher in the typical school setting. But it goes even further than this. Online tutors are managed closely by an education manager whose sole purpose is to control the quality of learning that each student is subjected to, as well as the level of teaching that each tutor is capable of accomplishing. While educational managers equally provide supervision in physical school settings, the measuring tools and data provided by online tutoring platforms far surpass those in physical school settings.

Constant Open Communication

When a student feels comfortable with asking questions, and engaging a tutor, the likelihood of success in the online classroom is increased exponentially. It is the child who isn’t afraid to make their questions known that benefits the most in any classroom setting – online or otherwise. The good news for parents considering online tutoring for their kids is that, Growing Stars’ platform encourages open communication between student and teacher.

One-on-one live personal attention, quality control through education management and constant open communication all play important roles in how tutoring can change the way children learn today. Each of these three important tools may never be effective on their own. It is when an online tutor can effectively incorporate the three into their curriculum that students begin to experience progressive change in the way they learn.

If you’re wondering where to begin, consider, a pioneer in live Online Tutoring. We are affordable, effective and flexible. We have a proven track record of success that is evident from video testimonies of top educators, parents and students.

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