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Online Tutoring Can Help Shy Students Shine

November 1, 2024

Is your child an introvert or an extrovert? Introverts tend to prefer quiet, one-on-one interactions, while extroverts thrive in bustling group setting in which they can speak their minds. Author Susan Cain offers a quick quiz that can shed light on your child’s preferred mode. It’s best to allow your child to answer the questions from his or her own point of view: the answers might surprise you, and the results have implications for future schooling.

Today’s classrooms and curricula are largely designed to favor and encourage extroversion. Group work, for example, has gone from being a rare treat to a daily requirement for most students, and class participation is often a mandatory part of the grade for coursework. Extroverts command more teacher attention, and the introverts in the room may feel reluctant to join in discussion and other group activities, which can negatively affect their learning and their grades.

The Benefits of Online Tutoring

If your child is an introvert who resists participating in group learning activities or is hesitant to speak up during class discussion, a caring online tutor can make a difference in his or her experience in school. Introverts thrive on the following learning conditions.

  • One-on-one interactions. Introverts prefer working in much smaller groups and are excellent listeners. With a private online tutor, they have the chance to experience learning as an intimate conversation rather than a group activity.
  • Quiet. Introverts can be overwhelmed by ambient noise, but Skyping with a tutor from the comfort of their own home puts them in control of the noise level. Using headphones to block out distractions is ideal.
  • Supportive environment. During tutoring sessions, introverts are free to ask questions and test theories without the pressure of an audience. They can then take their new-found skills back to the classroom setting with more confidence to speak up because they had a chance to process information privately first.

Finding the Right Online Tutor

A good tutor has a firm grasp of the subject matter, but a great tutor knows how to address an individual’s learning needs. Growing Stars tutors are highly qualified, and your child will work with the same tutor during each session. This allows your introvert to develop the strong, individual relationship that is so important for this personality type. Growing Stars is a pioneer in online tutoring with a track record of success built by working with families to create individual plans to address unique student needs.

Ready to see how an online tutor can help your introverted student succeed in an extroverted world? Visit for more information today.

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