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Online Tutoring Essentials Checklist

October 31, 2024

Hiring an online tutor can be an invaluable resource for any student who is struggling with academics. With the ability to tackle challenges in a range of subjects, from math to English to standardized tests, online tutors can help students boost their scores and their self esteem. If you’re thinking of hiring an online tutor for your child, you’re going want to make sure he has all of the essentials to bring to his first session (and beyond). This will make sure that online tutoring sessions are as effective and enjoyable as possible.

Computer With High-Speed Internet Connection, Microphone and Camera

In order to get face-to-face with an online tutor, students will need access to a computer that has internet capability, which will allow them to video chat with a tutor online. The computer should also have a microphone so a student can speak to tutors, as well as a camera so they can have a successful video session.


In order to focus completely, students should wear headphones plugged into the computer during an online tutoring session. Online tutoring works best when students keep their headphones on throughout the duration of the session, so they do not get distracted.

Homework Assignments and Class Materials

Children should come to all tutoring sessions equipped with any assignments they need help with or need guidance completing. This can include homework assignments or exercises they struggled with in class.

Necessary School Supplies

In order to take notes, do work and get the most out of his tutoring session, your child needs to bring all the necessary school supplies. This means pens, pencils, erasers, notebook paper, highlighters and anything else. If your child is doing math tutoring online, he should also bring all necessary math tools: calculators, protractors, compasses, etc.

List of Questions

As your child does his work throughout the week, have him keep a list of questions that he has about his assignments. That way, during an online tutoring session, your child can directly get at the things that are challenging him. If your child struggles with math, have him write down specific problems to go over with his online math tutor.


During tutoring sessions, children should not take any breaks. This ensures they get the most out of their experience. Thus, provide your child with drinking water so that he has plenty to sip on while he works.

If your child is struggling in school, get in touch with Growing Stars. Our expert students can help your child tackle academic difficulties and help them get back on track.

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