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Tutoring Bumps Math Scores, but Public Tutoring Faces Budget Cuts

November 1, 2024

Tutoring has long been shown to improve test scores and academic performance, and recent studies just reaffirm that, particularly in math. The University of Chicago Urban Education Lab recently performed a study that demonstrated improvements on standardized test scores through targeted tutoring programs.

While some cities welcome the news and plan to expand tutoring programs, other cities have finished contract negotiations that will cut after school tutoring. In response to the study, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced the city’s intention to expand existing tutoring programs, while the vista in New York is very different. Parents in the Bronx have banded together to create after school tutoring time after negotiations with the United Federation of Teachers resulted in more time on professional development and less time for after school tutoring.

Where to Turn for Tutoring

With many cities looking to cut budgets, options for tutoring through public school systems become more limited. Online tutoring can help fill in that gap. Online tutors have access to a range of tools designed to build on the school curriculum. Math labs and sample problems help students reinforce classroom concepts, with one-on-one guidance at every step.

As a parent, you want to give your child every opportunity to do more than pass, you want them to excel. Math scores are a common issue, with many students struggling in this area. Online tutoring offers a solution that works.

Simple reinforcement can help student bridge the gap between in the classroom and real life. The better they understand concepts, the more they are able to apply information in real world settings. This becomes increasingly important as students strive to earn their diploma.

For younger learners, online tutoring sessions can help reinforce the idea that education is important. Younger children often have trouble seeing the value in the time spent in the classroom. By bringing that commitment home, you demonstrate how much value you place on their education.

When looking for an online tutoring provider, put live tutoring at the top of the list lest you should be assigned pre-made exercises, with little to no interaction between the student and the tutor. One of the touchstone online organizations, that has always delivered the best is, the pioneer in the live online tutoring field. With their effective, flexible and affordable programs, they can help build a platform, a strong base to take off from and help give your child a foundation of academic success to build on for the rest of their lives.

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