Get 4 risk-free, 1-hour sessions. If you decide not to continue after the trial period, you get 100% money back.
Our students gain confidence, develop study skills & improve grades. Since 2004, the live Read more
Our teachers are highly qualified, and most of them have Masters’ Degrees in the subjects Read more
Every child has an Education Manager who manages tutoring to suit the child’s needs and Read more
Unlike those who provide instant tutoring or homework help only, our tutors spend time Read more
We follow exactly the same textbook that the student follows in school. This helps the tutor Read more
Your child can participate from the comfortable environment of your home saving Read more
Growing Stars provides expert 1-on-1 online tutoring, helping students in Walnut excel in math, science, English, and more. We also offer comprehensive preparation for SAT, ACT, and AP exams. With over 20 years of experience and thousands of five-star Google reviews, we are a trusted partner for families dedicated to academic success.
Our experienced tutors ensure personalized and consistent learning by working with the same student in every session. By aligning with your child’s school curriculum and using their textbooks, we deliver focused and effective instruction—all conveniently accessible online from your home in Walnut, CA.
I am very pleased with the tutoring services provided by GrowingStars, which have been instrumental in helping my son excel in both chemistry and math. The tutors were highly skilled and patient, guiding him through difficult concepts with ease. A special mention goes to Seena, the chemistry tutor, who was a great help during a particularly challenging time in chemistry. Initially, we received excellent support from manager Deepthi, and now the current manager, Remya, has continued this level of care. Remya has been exceptional in coordinating with the teachers, ensuring that sessions are well-organized and addressing any concerns promptly. Her attention to detail and dedication have made the experience smooth and stress-free. I truly appreciate the support from both the tutors and the management team and highly recommend Growing stars to anyone seeking reliable and high-quality tutoring.
Growing stars has helped both my kids. They have great tutors and education managers . They are very flexible and supportive. Highly recommend.
Growing stars teachers and management are really good. These tutions have really helped remove the stress of understanding from my kids. The tutors are very knowledgeable, patient and accommodative in scheduling addit up bal classes if needed as well. The customer support is top notch as well.
I have been with growing stars for 5 years now and they have never failed to exceed my expectations. The tutors as well as the education managers are so adjusting and beyond patient with me and I have seen tremendous growth as a learner. I would highly recommend Growing Stars and have to my friends.
My son has been tutoring with Growing Starts since last year and the results have been positive. We started Math tutoring last year and this year we have Math and Chemistry tutoring. The tutors are quite knowledgeable about the US curriculum and have been helping my son with harder topics efficiently. Our Manager has always been reaching out to us constantly to make sure the classes and tutors are on top of things. I would recommend Growing Stars to any kid requiring 1:1 help with knowledgeable tutors.
My daughter is enjoying the tutoring and is also learning more. The staff is very supportive and flexible with timings and makeup classes. On the whole it’s very good tutoring center.I would definitely recommend Growing Stars to all the families. Thankyou Growing Stars and the staff in helping us out.
We have been taking growing star lessons for the past 2 years, and we have been happy with how are student has grown these past 2 years. The staff are very friendly, and teach very well. We were lucky to be given good instructors and would recommend growing star to anyone who reads this. Our education manager, Mr. Ranjeet has provided us with great results and had helped us with what we’ve needed.
I had a great experience with Growing Stars! They paired me with great tutors, fulfilled my needs, and supported me throughout high school.
I am totally satisfied with growing star and tutor are very knowledgeable
I would surely recommend growing stars.Thanks to the tutors( shylaja n saritha,) for helping shanmith improve in his academics. Even though he is taking small steps in improving,a small thing makes a big difference one day. Mostly thanks to the education manager( Pooja) who was always there for any kind of issues and kept following up with the grades and how the tutors were doing .