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What Makes a Competent Online Tutor?

November 4, 2024

The biggest change of our society over the past decade is our adaption to fast-evolving, ever-emerging digital technology. This age of digital innovation and smartphones offers fast communication options, now at our fingertips. This steady growth is visible in the education sector with the advent of online tutoring. Modern education now features experienced online tutors who teach millions of students around the globe. An online tutor who adapts to our new environment can become a valuable resource in the modern education sector.

Technical savvy

With ground-breaking forms of digital technology being introduced every day, online tutors are becoming empowered with new tools to reach their students. Without keeping up with the changes in the modern world, no online tutor can survive in a competitive marketplace. Innovation paves the way for advanced learning solutions. As a result, an online tutor must master new advanced learning solutions to effectively teach students online.

 Excellent academic background

In a traditional environment, tutors are regarded as people capable of advanced thinking and endowed with great knowledge. However, with the introduction of online resources, the distribution of knowledge per se became accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. Thus, there is a demand for higher academic achievement from the online tutors. No online tutor can teach students effectively without sufficient experience in a particular academic arena. Tutors who do not stay current on the advances in their fields of expertise fast lose the respect of their students. The modern learning environment demands such a higher performance from an online tutor, who must also have a passion for teaching online.

Great communication skills

An online tutor who communicates effectively gains the heart of students and achieves professional excellence. As communication plays a vital role in a one-on-one learning environment, online-based teaching professionals must learn to communicate effectively. The communication between tutor and student needs to adhere to personal and professional standards, and an online tutor should understand the relevant policies of the learning institution. An online tutor who demonstrates proficiency in a chosen subject and is good at inter-personal communication can guide students to behave as responsible digital citizens.

Competent online tutors also have a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Such tutors can creatively and innovatively apply new technologies to all aspects of online teaching. Growing Stars, the pioneer in one-on-one tutoring, is privileged to employ a team of talented online tutors who are good at teaching complex topics and improving students grades.

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