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Who Can Afford Online Tutoring for their Kids?

November 1, 2024

Online tutors have helped to revolutionize the way in which students learn, but is online tutoring really affordable? Prices vary wildly, from free to over $20 an hour, but you don’t always get what you pay for – especially if it’s a free service.

For best results, consider paying for an online tutoring service. With the average rate of $20 an hour, most parents serious about their child’s education should not hesitate to enroll their children. Online tutoring service is more cost effective than traditional tutoring.

Why Pay for Online Tutoring?

The question really may not be whether parents can afford online tutoring for their kids because in reality, most parents can afford the average rate. Sometimes what they need is enough convincing.

report released last year by the Harvard University Graduate School of Education found that while enrollment in undergraduate education has gone up 34% from 2000 to 2009, 60% of students who enter community college need to take at least one remedial course.

This means that most students are not ready for college and need to take at least one class just to catch up – some students need to take many more than one. This costs time and money, and, unfortunately, only 36% of students in remedial courses finish those courses and their associate degrees in two years.

The same report also found that online tutoring is an effective way to address these problems, and that children prefer online tutors to in-person tutors. Live, virtual tutoring helps students to learn content, and they are more likely to stay in the program. Virtual tutoring also gives them a better attitude about asking for help, as low-performing students feel less embarrassed when asking for help electronically than in person.

So, there is a real need for young students to get additional education, and online tutors have been found to be an effective resource for them.

Now, consider the reverse of the question:

Can I Afford Not to Get a Tutor? 

If you have concerns about your children’s education, you should know that the United States has been falling behind the rest of the world academically. This is especially true of Asia, in which tutoring has become very popular in recent years.

Since this has become a widespread trend, more and more parents have been boosting their children’s education with tutoring. This does not mean that a student without a tutor will fall behind, or that a tutor is the only way to enhance an education, but it does mean that those with tutors may have a better chance of understanding content.

Online tutors have been proven to help students succeed, not only in terms of attaining knowledge but also by helping them develop a great attitude towards learning.

To learn more about high-quality, affordable online tutors, see the Growing Stars tutoring service.

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