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Why choose Growing Stars

Improve Grades

  • Our students gain confidence, develop study skills and improve grades.
  • Since 2004, the live, one-on-one online tutoring from Growing Stars has proactively helped thousands of students get better grades in school, and score well in competitive tests.

Same Tutor Every Time

  • Unlike those who provide instant tutoring or homework help only, our tutors spend time preparing for the sessions.
  • Though our sessions are prescheduled, the student is free to contact the online tutors through instant messaging for any immediate help.
  • Thus, when a student spends an hour with a Growing Stars online tutor, the tutor would have invested more than one hour for that student.
  • Our teacher knows the students’ strengths and weaknesses and, unlike instant tutors who think of that day’s homework only, works for the long-term success of the student.
  • Instant tutors may change frequently making it difficult for them to analyze the areas that needs focus for a steady academic improvement.
  • A Growing Stars tutor builds a good rapport with the student, helping instill in the student a desire to learn.

Teachers with Masters

  • Our teachers are highly qualified, and most of them have Masters’ Degrees in the subjects that they teach.
  • Some of our teachers are Ph.D.s. At a minimum, every online tutor has a Bachelor’s Degree in the concerned discipline they tutor.
  • They also go through our extensive training before they are put on the job.

Same Textbook

  • We follow exactly the same textbook that the student follows in school.
  • This helps the tutor to understand the student’s needs clearly, and to synchronize online tutoring sessions with the school lessons.

Managed Tutoring

  • Every child has an Education Manager who manages tutoring to suit the child’s needs, and maintains a relationship with the parents.
  • This Manager also supervises the child’s teacher(s) to ensure tutoring effectiveness.
  • Over and above this, Growing Stars has a Quality Control Department managed by Senior Education Directors who step in to settle academic issues giving necessary directions to our teachers, thereby ensuring the highest quality of online tutoring.

Very Convenient

  • Your child can participate from the comfortable environment of your home, saving the time and money you would spend commuting to a tutoring center.